Sunday, February 22, 2009

Still not buying the Gov. Jindal story.

I saw Governor Jindal on Meet the Press with David Gregory. Governor Jindal (of Louisiana) is being touted by many Republicans and the answer to Obama or even more crazy as the next Ronald Reagan. I do not buy it. He makes some good points about "strings attached" and long term spending impacts. But he is weak and not nearly emotionally invested in he responses, like Reagan and dare I say Obama. Listen to the interview and watch for these moments. Then think about what he could have said in reply.

He is willing to say the correct things in grand generalities (like Obama) but when asked point blank to defend tax cuts, he wavered and stammered. The facts recited were fundamentally false and Jindal did not know it! He was told that revenues dropped and median incomes did not rise. FALSE! Revenues climbed as did median incomes (in real dollars). It was even a softball. After laying out the invalid numbers he was asked "Do you think these numbers are wrong?"... Come On!

Second, he was asked if stimulus was bad. That Americans were saving and buying down bills, causing the economy to contract. We need the stimulus right? and... nothing!
Answer: Americans are among the most indebted peoples in the world. The government is drunk on deficit spending. The stock market is down 40%+ will no signs of recovery! Do you think people should be spending MORE?! People are smart, people know that in times of uncertainty you need to take a solid assessment of where the money is going and your long term debt. They actually expect their Representatives in Government to do the same. Maybe even read the bill they are signing...then something he actually did say... Throwing more debt and money at the problem only delays the problem... [but missed this]... and forces solving this problem to future generations. That is wholly UNAMERICAN and obfuscating the responsibility granted to us by our electorate!

I hear some of the right words but I do not see the energy and therefore do not believe in Jindal.

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