Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Is Gwen Ifill in the tank for Obama?: Michelle Malkin discusses

Toyman would like you to know...

This is commentary from Michelle Malkin on tomorrow’s debate between the veep candidate’s. Speaking about the moderator of that debate and who she is.

1 comment:

Ed F. Bias said...

Found more link to his on Hot Air

...The first mention of Ifill’s book I found through some haphazard googling was in an AP story on July 22, although it came up again in this Kurtz profile of her in WaPo on September 4. She was announced as the VP debate moderator on August 5. The two sides agreed to the Debate Commission’s proposed schedule on August 21, although wrangling over the format of each event was still going on as recently as 10 days ago. Don’t the campaigns vet and sign off on the moderators? How’d they miss this little detail? Or is this a case of Team Maverick deciding that the racial demagoguery they’d get from the left for trying to have her removed because of a pro-Obama book made it simply not worth the aggravation?...